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Bulletin Editor
Anne LeClair
SPECIAL NOTE: RESERVATIONS FOR THE SWINGIN’ DOOR ON FEB. 9 MUST BE IN NLT MORNING OF MONDAY, FEB. 4.  Pls email Liz Mayta or this editor to sign up to attend. (Just paying at the reg. desk will not get you in our guaranteed count!)   
Tom Mohr and Karen Vandenberg greeted all upon arrival. Visiting Rotarians Noemi Avram and Alden Cunningham were introduced by Chuck Osborn.  Chuck also led the Pledge.  Joy Morriss introduced guest Bob Cohen.
Bob Mendoza gave us the thought of the day, reminding us to always remember the Holocaust and the Vietnam War.
Rod Linhares stepped in with the newscast, offering historical info on past Presidential elections, which candidates were ahead in the polls before tanking, etc.
Mitch Williams had no Sunshine report.  Prez Bruce reported that Maureen Freschet’s mother has passed away.
The impish Paul “STIR IT UP” Rogerville announced that the Poplar Creek crew has said the flatware theft has to stop. He asked anyone guilty of harboring silverware to stand, at which point our new member Rashida ‘fessed up. (She was set up by Paul, who put the items in her purse last week.)  After noting that she was returning the flatware, Rashida said, “I’m rethinking this whole decision (to join)”.  Welcome to the Rotary playground, Rashida--you fit right in!
Dick Bennett , who co-chairs the Community Funding Committee with Erin Sinclair, said applications have been sent to all non-profits who applied for grants in the past. He encouraged anyone with another non-profit in mind to encourage that organization to apply.  (Deadline: end of February)  He said all who are interested will be welcome to participate in the selection.
Prez Bruce announced that 24 Rotarians have signed up to be a part of the rotary table at the chamber’s award luncheon. Please email Bruce if you’re not certain you’re on the list. 
Liz Mayta announced that 25 people have signed up for The Swingin' Door.
Mark Avelar was shown an old photo and asked if he’s been able to figure out the source of the photo.  When Mark failed to guess, Bruce said it was from an old directory. Mark said, “The dark hair and flat belly threw me off.”  LOL (I think you look better today, Mark!)
With that, Joy Morriss introduced her friend Vic Lee. 
Vic, known to many, is a 45 year veteran of reporting.  After working at KRON for 30 years, he moved to ABC 14 years ago. (Special note: Since Disney owns the station, Vic’s paychecks all have a picture of a mouse on them.)  Vic’s talk flew by, as he shared stories from his reporting days.
He said reporters are story tellers who have front row seats to incredible events.  Vic has covered everything from the Charles Manson trial in LA to the Zodiac Killer, to the Zebra killings. He said a reporter never tires of the routine, because you’re always meeting new celebrities and covering new stories.
His favorite assignment in the 70s and his “first great story” was about Frasier the Lion from the Lion Country Safari.  (Frasier was 70 years old in human years.)  The story was about how Frasier had fathered 35 cubs in a single day. 
He has covered riots, revolutions and overseas news, with numerous assignments in Asia, due to the fact that he speaks Japanese and Chinese.
In the 80s Vic and his producer uncovered a scheme by duty free shops, as well as their habit of putting in a secret code to deter African Americans from shopping there.  The story resulted in “the Kazuko” –the Japanese equivalent of the Mafia—putting out a contract on their two heads. Following a week of FBI surveillance, the FBI was able to neutralize the threat. (Vic and his producer did not share the threat with their wives.)
Among his other close calls: falling into the Napa River just before going live with the triple storm report in the 80s, flying in a KRON helicopter from Eureka when a storm hit and they had to put down just short of the Sierras, driving through the Rodney King riots and being accosted/detained in the Sudan.
He said it is far more dangerous for journalists today than it used to be and they travel with armed guards 80% of the time as protection from people who would like to steal their equipment. 
Vic shared a story about interviewing David Duke, who seemed to be doing his best to avoid Vic after seeing him.  Thanks to a helpful employee in the Louisiana legislature, Vic and his cameraman were able to get to Duke, who came across as charming and evasive.  Finally, Vic asked Duke if Duke would ever allow his daughter to marry Vic’s son, to which Duke replied, “Well, Mr. Lee, you have your own kind and we have our own kind.”  “Gotcha”, Vic said to himself. ### 
Courtesy of Peter Webb, MD

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